The third day of tour began bright and early for Gleeks as they traveled from homestays to the Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts. Situated in South Fort Worth, the Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts or FWAFA (FFF-WAH-FAH) as it is referred to by locals is home to the talented Texas Boys Choir. Practicing for two hours, five days a week, the Texas Boys Choir is among the most prestigious singing groups in the region. At FWAFA, HGC reunited with our conductor, Andy, to polish up a few pieces to be sung for an assembly of the entire FWAFA student body–a group whose enthusiasm manifested in greeting HGC with shouts of “Radcliffe” during the Harvardiana Suite. After the concert, singers engaged in a Q&A session with FWAFA students on subjects ranging from favorite repertoire to Sicko Bomba (whatever that means).
From there, Gleeks went to another rehearsal to check on the status of the joint repertoire to be performed in conjunction with the tenor-bass component of the Texas Boys Choir (If Ye Love Me by Tallis and The Lamb by Fenno Heath). After rehearsal, HGC proceeded to a pizza lunch with members of the Texas Boys Choir. Gleeks left FWAFA excited about their collaboration later that day and secure in the knowledge that uttering the phrase “I know Joey Toker ” would result in instant street cred with any FWAFA student.

Singers returned to Broadway Baptist Church later that afternoon to rehearse for the concert that evening. Coming at an ideal time, Gleeks then had a mid-afternoon break to recuperate and explore the surrounding area.

After a final sound check with the Texas Boys Choir, HGC had dinner with the students before changing into tails. Beginning with Stray Birds by Craig Hella Johnson and O Regem Coeli by Tomas Luis de Victoria, the concert was an excellent opening to tour and an amazing opportunity to collaborate with such a dedicated group as the Texas Boys Choir. From Broadway Baptist Church, Gleeks returned to their homestays to rest before rejoining RCS in Dallas the next day.
-Jay Sastry ’22