Day 2 : Phoenix and the MIM

Cactuses? Cacti? Whatever they are called, we saw plenty of them in the beautiful Phoenix landscapes.

Noah and Andrew can't quite match the height of the Saguaro cactus!
Noah and Andrew can’t quite match the height of the Saguaro cactus!

Our days were free for exploring until 4pm, and everyone had a unique experience. I hear stories of Gleeks who went hiking up the dusty mountain trails or in Papago Park; others visited museums, tried out a shooting range, or even went scorpion hunting. On my end, I saw a wonderful sampling of Arizona wilderness in the Botanical Garden. We all enjoyed the “cold” day Phoenix had to offer.

Plants putting on their spring apparel in the Botanic Gardens of Papago park
Plants putting on their spring apparel in the Botanic Gardens of Papago park
An intrepid Adrian makes his way down a butte
An intrepid Adrian makes his way down a butte
Teddy and Eduardo can see all of Papago park
Teddy and Eduardo can see all of Papago park

The Musical Instrument Museum (or MIM), gave us free passes before our rehearsal. As the day progressed, more and more gleeks trickled into the beautiful galleries exposing musical traditions, instruments, video and audio from all around the globe. We wandered in the museum for as long as possible.

The "octobass" at the MIM
The “octobass”, the MIM

At 4pm we met in the concert hall for rehearsal. The very good acoustics had us singing on our toes.

Nick at rehearsal
Nick embracing stardom at rehearsal

Lite, the a cappella subset, also rehearsed their repertoire before the concert. We were all excited and slightly nervous with our first concert fast approaching.

Lite rehearses before the concert
Lite rehearses before the concert

The concert itself was a fantastic experience for both us singers and the audience. We sung Renaissance counterpoint, folk tunes, spirituals, Harvard specialties and much more, and the full house was very responsive to our engagement, music, and silly jokes being thrown around during announcements.

Lite sings "Fat Bottomed Girls" feat. John Miller
Lite sings “Fat Bottomed Girls” feat. John Miller

After a fulfilling first concert we made it back to our hosts’ houses, and enjoyed our first post-concert night.

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