Our tour poster, congrats to Dennis Zhang for the artistic design!
Welcome to the official tour blog of the Harvard Glee Club! This site, maintained by our Chronicler, archives our shenanigans while we’re on tour. As getting people to send pictures is sometimes a slow process, more pictures will appear as the tour goes along, so don’t forget to check out for updates. Finally, feel free to read up on past tours as well in the archives!
It’s 7:45am and the Harvard Glee Club members are crowding the T stop with their luggage, coats, and bags. Groggy from the late night packing, the last few stragglers arrive. We finally set out toward the American South West, where a formidable adventure awaits!
Waiting at the T-stopQuincy Cason, our Tour Manager, is ready to roll
We must have filled half of the aircraft on our flights. Apart from a short stop in Detroit, a good portion of the Glee Club will remember very little from that flight.
Some catch up on the sleep lost on housing day
Upon our arrival in phoenix, a pink striped bus took us to Scottsdale where we met our hosts. We all went our own way and made exciting plans for the next day. Tour is about to begin!
Our bus arrives in Scottsdale where our hosts await